Monday, March 23, 2009

Ahhh. Bit Torrents.

Hey its a fight you know. I want to buy, buy, buy and buy software to enhance imagery and so forth. Its the age old, "you have to spend money to make it." I guess. LucisArt Pro allows you to get a very similar "look" of HDRi from a single 8bit image... thus making your images, more desirable. PLUS! you can get better details out of people, because trying to make people stay still for 7 exposures is often not too possible.

I've been working on a tutorial for the green Camry below... but its taken awhile because I never really thought about how much knowledge I've gained over the years in Photoshop. You just do it, over and over until you have major breakthroughs. Mostly I didn't know what I was doing until I did it. I may not be a Photoshop Genius, but its becoming apparent that I AM a whiz. I've never been a whiz. I've taken one...

The weekend has been pretty good... spent a ton of money (defeating the recession) clothes, food... and some other things I can't disclose yet but I shall....

Just got off the phone with a great friend of mine Lisa Seaman she's great and does awesome vacation photography in Colorado and all over the world really. Also check out this site these guys just rock in Chicago... and one more for the road... my dear, dear friends, Joseph and Kristi Romain at who are killing the wedding photography industry.

Here's a little eye candy from me of Karen's little man just sleeping away.... love this little guy... when he's snoozing of course!


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