Monday, March 23, 2009

One More For The Day.

After looking through things and consulting with a good friend of mine I have to come the conclusion that although Bit Torrents are great and kinda free, however as a professional theyd really don't have a place in my world.

As a matter of fact, my girl's father gets pirated movies sometimes and I always give her a hard time, its hard to believe that, as a professional, I would even consider ripping off a program. Especially one that gives you so much.. A professional could make their money back very quickly I believe. You can download a free 30 day trial from their site,, however you'll only be able to open the plugin from a preview window. I mean every aspect of Lucisart (pronounced Loosis BTW) is completely marketable and gives you an amazing HDR effect out of an 8bit file that has to be under 20megs wtih the trial version You won't be able to actually apply the filter. Lucis Art Pro 6.0 is supposedly "a thousand times better".

I think where this is crazily practical is in the skin tones of people in your pictures. With a program such as Photomatix, which totally rocks for HDR, the best in my opinion, is tends to dirty skin tones and also again, try keeping a person still for 7 exposures. Seriously, its nearly impossible. So to get details the way you want Lucis is really pretty sweet. I've posted some screen shots to give a little demo. These are only by using one slider on the plugin and also I know they'll be small in the blog. I think the one you'll notice it most is in Isaac's face and clothing. You can REALLY enhance the detail, but then you get that "halo" look that every HDR photographer on crack has. You don't want this in my opinion. You still need to get a great exposure for LucisArt. (more on this later)

Lucis Art runs out of Groton, CT and when I say "they" its really one gal, she has programmers to build the software and investors for the company. However she's the only employee. People must be buying this stuff up quick. It would be difficult to compete with trying to get this "look" without it. There is pro version that is $595 and totally worth every penny. If you're in business, its a tax write-off so do it. Next month its all mine.





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