Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wedding El Mexicano.

After the Marketing Bootcamp this weekend in Los Angeles, it has come to my attention that I have not been keeping up with "the blog." I'm making a statement, that I will now, and I'm looking forward to it. There are TONS of photographic content that aren't put up yet, so I'm just going to keep them coming. I've been told over and over from the "experts" that being a commercial photographer, I shouldn't put anything other than that on our blog. I'm quite aware of the "repercussions" of posting these sort of things when you are supposed to be a commercial photographer. Its safe to say, at this point, that I don't really care. If you want to know what I do for work, if you could call it that, have a look at our website... If you want to know what I do in life, so you know who you're working with, well then... stay tuned.

From time to time I must admit, I like to shoot weddings. Especially when it is for a friend. You also get to choose the amount of time you'd like to shoot, and you almost always end up with a few gems. This was for some friends of mine, Fermin & Nellie. Fermin can be wild and fun, and Nellie always seems to ground him in ways a man should be grounded. They're a wonderful couple and I wish them the very best. ;)

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