Saturday, July 4, 2009

Photo a Day. -July 3


This is #3 on my photo-a-day month... I do have one for July 2, but it'll probably be a studio shot because I was pretty much there all day. Will post it later. This one however is a picture of singer/songwriter Anthony Miller or "AM" as he goes by. It was of course taken on the trusty iPhone. Karen and I saw him play last night with his band and I picked up a CD as well. He and his band were actually pretty great. I have to say though, that there is just something about music that I've been missing lately that just needs more. And by more I mean like to really let out what's pent up inside with your instrument... it seemed like just when they got rolling they finished. I've found that with several bands I listen to lately, they don't just let it ROCK out. I dunno.

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